
We would love to help your child grow into a strong and independent reader and we know it takes the whole hive! Don't feel like you have to navigate reading by yourself. We're here to help and it would be our pleasure to be part of your reading family. 

The Reading Hive

Reading Assessment & Screener Profile

Let us learn more about your child as a reader through a variety of assessments to identify strengths and areas of improvement and then provide a detailed report with suggestions for next steps. This is a great way to gather specific and concrete information about your child as a reader and his or her needs either for your own knowledge or sharing with the school. 

The Reading Hive

Reading Intervention & Tutoring

Does your child struggle with reading, or are they reading above grade level? Your child may benefit from 1-1 intervention, tutoring, or support. Let us develop an intervention and tutoring plan that meets the needs of your child and help him or her reach his or her highest potential. Zoom is an online video conferencing and document sharing platform that makes online tutoring and teaching feel like we're at the same table!

Wilson Reading Therapy 

The Wilson Reading System is an intensive intervention program for students in grades 2-12 and adults with language-based disabilities, such as dyslexia. If there is a family history of dyslexia or if your child has dyslexia tendencies, this system may be the right fit for your child. A placement test (WADE) would be administered to determine a starting point and progress monitoring would continue. Using this system is a commitment, but students benefit greatly from the multisensory and systematic approach to phonics and reading. 

The Reading Hive


Need help understanding Response to Intervention (RtI) goals, Tiered System of Supports forms, 504s, or Special Education jargon? We're here to support you and your child's reading journey. Let us help you navigate the education jargon!